Countries, unlike companies, can set the very laws that affect their ability to pay creditors. 国家不同于企业,国家可以制定影响其偿债能力的法律法规。
Taxes have risen, our ability to pay has fallen, government of all kinds is faced by serious curtaiIment of income, the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; 课税增加了;我们的支付能力下降了;各级政府面临着严重的收入短缺;交换手段在贸易过程中遭到了冻结;
The return on this bond will be the same or higher than those on US Treasury bills as the issuers of the bond have a better ability to pay than the US government. 这种债券的收益率将与美国国债相同或更高,因为这些债券发行人的偿付能力强于美国政府。
The principle that we are insisting on is to take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods. 我们坚持的原则是,我国进口必须根据我国的支付能力。
These are clues to the firm's ability to pay dividends and subsequent dividend policy. 这些是有关企业支付股利的能力及嗣后的股利政策方面的迹象。
We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods. 我们进口必需考虑我们的付出能力。
We should begin with the core of the problem, the fact that millions of Americans were made loans beyond their ability to pay. 我们应该从问题的核心下手,而这个核心就是一个事实:相当多的美国人贷款超出了他们的偿还能力。
Our ability to pay has fallen, government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; 我们的支付能力下降,各级政府面临收入的严重萎缩;
The terms of mortgages need to be adjusted to the homeowners 'ability to pay. 必须修改抵押贷款条款,以适应房屋业主的还款能力。
Ability to pay dividends and meet obligations 支付股利和偿付债务的能力
During this period colleges have tried to accept students without regard to their ability to pay. 在这个时候,大学已尽力录取学生而不考虑他们的支付能力。
Besides, about 3% family had no ability to pay for CMS. 大约3%的家庭对合作医疗无任何支付能力。
Also related to the cash flow targets and indicators related to the balance sheet compared to more objectively assess the solvency of enterprises, profitability and ability to pay. 还用现金流量表的有关指标与资产负债表相关指标比较,更为客观地评价企业的偿债能力,盈利能力和支付能力。
Be that as it may, we do not vouch for his ability to pay. 不管怎样,对他的付款能力我们不愿作出担保。
Banks within the buffer zone will face restrictions on their ability to pay dividends and discretionary bonuses. 处于缓冲区内的银行,在发放股息和自行决定的奖金方面将面临限制。
Insist people with talent equal emphasis on both IQ and EQ, knowledge and ability to pay equal attention to the cultivation of students thought a good character, study methods and study habits. 坚持做人与成才并重,智商与情商并重,知识与能力并重,致力于培养学生良好的思想品德、学习方法和学习习惯。
Government opponents maintain that the level of any new tax should be linked to an individual's ability to pay. 政府的反对者们坚持认为征收任何新税,其标准都应与个人支付能力联系起来。
Ability: ability to pay attention to detail; solve problems and handle multiple priorities. 能力:细心,能解决问题并进行多项紧急工作。
The tax bears no relation to people's ability to pay. 这一税目与人们的支付能力没有关系。
It simply gives our country the ability to pay the bills that Congress has already racked up. 它只是使我们的国家有能力支付国会已经累积起来的账单。
Finally," accounting "refers to the ability to pay only for resources you use and to ensure you've been able to meet all performance and uptime expectations. 最后,“账户”指的是支付使用资源的能力及确保满足所有性能和正常运行时间的能力。
However, ability to pay, whether at the individual or the national level, remains a distinct advantage. 但是,支付能力,无论是个人或国家层面的,仍然是一个明显的优势。
It is rational to seek returns not correlated with governments 'ability to pay. 寻求获得与政府支付能力无关的回报是理性的。
For although the price of food has fallen, so too has the poor's ability to pay for it as a result of their reduced income. 因为尽管粮食价格下跌了,但穷人由于收入下降,购买粮食的能力也下跌了。
Tax demands are scaled to the income earner's ability to pay. 税收按挣钱人支付能力相应地调节。
Issuing its own currency means the US can settle its debts by printing more money if need be, so there is absolutely no question of its ability to pay. 发行自己的货币,意味着如果有必要,美国可以通过印刷更多的货币来解决自己的债务,所以它的支付能力绝对不存在任何问题。
When your ability to pay is greater than your appetence, you are rich. 当支付能力大于欲望的时候,就可以说是富有。
Universal coverage: For fair and efficient systems, all people must have access to health care according to need and regardless of ability to pay. 全民保健:在公平和高效率的体制中,所有人都必须能够按需获得卫生保健,无论其是否有能力支付。
These debts have played a positive role in promoting economic and social development and produced a large amount of quality assets. However, they also contained risks and hidden dangers, and some localities with poor ability to pay their debts were at risk of default. 这些债务在经济社会发展中发挥了积极作用,形成了大量优质资产;也存在一些风险隐患,特别是部分偿债能力较弱地区存在局部性风险。